Our offer have three categories, so EVENTS, SHOWS and FILM – in this section you can see more details. 




Town historical events

Our association has been engaged in organizing cultural and social events for more than 27 years. The events that we hold, and we can rely on rich experience in their realization, are mainly urban historical festivals which focus on the anniversary of the town, the remembrance of important personalities, events and battles. We can professionally coordinate these bigger projects so that the individual performances are directed to the historical period and thematically correspond to the assignement. Our individual performances as well as those of other performers (dancers, jugglers, magicians, period bands, theatre, etc.) are involved in these festivities. The whole event is usually accompanied by the marketplace of the given period, we have more than 50 cooperating craftsmen and stalls in the database. We secure technically these large projets and we ensure all technical facilities incl. lighting, sound system, security service, garbage containers, mobile toilets, etc.

Reconstruction of the battle

We have directed more than 130 reconstructions of battles which are based on historical foundations, both in the Czech Republic and abroad, e.g. Germany, France, Austria. We are one of the biggest and most experienced organizers of these mass events, in which we provide scenario, direction and implementation itself, incl. all technical security. As an example we present the reconstruction of the Battle of White Mountain from 1620, which we have been organizing for 14 years, it is held in an authentic place in Prague at Vypich. About 1,000 costumed performers are involved in the battle, dozens of trained horses. It is the concentration of the largest number of weapons from the 30-year war period incorporated according to the combat order with a number of pyrotechnic effects. 


Each festival is usually accompanied by a procession for which we provide professionally trained horses, carriages that can drive city councilors in costumes that we lend. Furthermore, the procession consists of standard-bearers, drummers, buglers, an infantry armed guard, a mounted escort of knights, dragoons, soldiers (depending on the period in which the celebration is held), guild craftsmen, clergymen, honorable citizens, the poor and beggars.

Horses tournament

We show the most sought-after entertainment of the Middle Ages, treated according to period sources, in which experienced knights with specially trained horses participate. It is a folk entertainment where the noble knights show their equestrian art. Everything is handled as a grand romantic tale for the whole family. The tournament is accompanied by a spoken word of a herald who manages the entire tournament. There are also beautiful ladies, armed men, squires to be seen.

Attractions for the children

Specially for children we organize a big sock battle where children attack a model of a castle under the guidance of experienced commanders. The battle is commented. Children can try archery and crossbow shooting on target, throwing a javelin and an ax. At the same time the little knights will taste the weight of the whole armour and we will lend them various kinds of weapons. We also have competitions for children.

Markets and crafts

We provide authentic stallkeepers and craftsmen for a perfect period market. Our portfolio of contacts includes smiths, wood carvers, glassmakers, etc. The marketplace can be supplemented by a period barber shop, an oracle, a tea room, etc.






Slavian’s Journey from Conquered Troy


Knights foot tournament

Dragon Story

Football of Monks

Trial with Bandits (execution)

Ballad of a District Chief

Demonstration of execution and torture


Development of Firearms

Forbiden duel

Adventure of “Džek Vrabčák”

Baron Munchausen and his Adventures

General Laudon

Giacomo Casanova

Children’s sock battle




We have participated in dozens of films, documentaries or television programmes. We have experience in creating battle scenes, doubling the actors or training them.